Monday, June 18, 2007

A bit of Penang, Langkawi, KL and KUL-MES

View from the not very top

Low tide which resulted in some pretty funky smells

Standard beach shot, minus the sun.

The 50mm is ridiculously sharp. Even the original hi-res image at 100% crop is as sharp as this one. Unfreakingbelievable.

Another example

One stunned dude

Messed up white balance with thousands of tiny crabs (I think they were crabs, cute little things)

Mom's shell

The SNX427 that has been passed over to dad


Long exposure shot

Driving thru SMART while it was still free!

Interior of the A320. Gotta love the smell of a new aircraft.


MASjoko is still inside the hangar

A bit more to the left...

And off we go!

The unmistakable sign of Indonesia: rusty zinc roofs

Before heading to CGK

Back in the real homeland!


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